

Call us today! 203-367-4757

541 Central Avenue, Bridgeport, CT 06607

Industry ConsultanT

In November of 2016 we became only the fifth fabricator in the state of Connecticut and the 93rd in the country to receive the distinction of Marble Institute of America/Natural Stone Institute Accredited Fabricator.

This honor is a culmination of a vision that began in 2013 and denotes a tireless pursuit of the finest craftsmanship in our field, an unwavering dedication to safety both in our shop and on-site, and the desire to be the best at what we do for our own pride and our customer's ultimate satisfaction.

Why hire an accredited fabricator?

In November 2015, Buddy was selected by the Marble Institute of America BOD (now Natural Stone Institute) to represent the Northeast Zone 1 (Connecticut, Maine, Massachusetts, New York, Rhode Island, New Hampshire and Vermont) on the Board of Directors.

Any of the NSI links on this site will give more information about the Natural Stone Institute and how it works tirelessly worldwide to set the standards and unify every incarnation of our trade, from quarrying to fabrication, health and safety to restoration and preservation.

The Board of Directors seat is a great honor and a five year commitment that will find Buddy striving to advance our industry and share and learn from the experience of the finest craftspeople in the stone industry.

Two other members of the Board were also elected and all of the nominees are leaders in every aspect of what we do.

Congratulations to the newest members of the Natural Stone Institute BOD!

Natural Stone Institute Board of Directors

Natural Stone Institute

Buddy Ontra is a certified natural stone and ceramic tile inspector and expert witness. He has been a featured speaker and has served on fabricator panels at StonExpo, Coverings and Natural Stone Institute fabricator summits. He is also a NSI CEU presenter and has written several articles that have been published in Stone World Magazine.

He willingly shares his experience and expertise with colleagues because he says that, "my success is directly related to the success of the industry as a whole."


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Ontra Stone Concepts | 541 Central Avenue | Bridgeport, CT 06607

Phone: 203-367-4757 | Email: ontrastone@sbcglobal.net

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